Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I take example of QA strategies in perspective of IT. We talk about transformation in QA and QA in transformation. It’s two sides of the same coin. We see how QA’s have changed their outlook in testing and have started moving towards transformation and business continuity. Software testers are not only creating bug free applications, but are also moving towards Business Analysis and QA strategies. Any business considers this behavior as a very important part of its Business continuity plan. Testers are reporting back software bugs around customer experience and performance bottlenecks in applications. Software testers are driving customer requirements and are directly involved with application designers since they get involved in the fag end of application development lifecycle. Their end-to-end knowledge of business processes makes them good domain experts.

On the other side of the coin, we find that transformation in QA has made the QA more efficient in bringing about business transformation. Modern software testing tools and techniques have paved way for implementation of robust application testing frameworks that can be trusted. Software tools are bringing about change in the way QA operates. Let us remind our selves that on an average across all projects, 80% of the total QA effort is still manual testing effort. However, software testing tools are making possible for testers to efficiently manage the manual effort spent on testing and provide certain frameworks to test performance parameters. Software testing tools are prima facie in supporting Agile Delivery methodology. These tools have made possible for testers to meet stringent QA timelines during the course of application delivery, and provide application performance indicators continuously during the test lifecycle.


Nirupama Srinivasan said...

I dare to disagree... there is not one app that is "bug free" till this day!

Unknown said...

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